A Message of Thanks

A Message of Thanks

Left: Evelyn with her family in Victorville federal prison. Right: Evelyn and her daughter Venise at their home in Oakland 2020.

Dear Cape Ann Cannabis Team,

I wanted to write to express my gratitude for your generosity and support of the Last

Prisoner Project. This has been an incredibly difficult year for many of us, but perhaps

most difficult for our incarcerated constituents and their loved ones. Having served seven

years in federal prison for cannabis, I can’t imagine the added strain of being imprisoned

in the time of COVID-19, facing extraordinary health risks and being unable to

communicate with your family and friends.

That is why in 2021 LPP is focused not just on releasing our cannabis prisoners and

assisting them in rebuilding their lives, but also on ensuring correctional facilities have

the supplies and resources they needed to protect incarcerated community members.

We also provide additional financial support to our incarcerated constituents to purchase

any additional hygienic supplies they need, medical care, and funding to contact their

loved ones, as most facilities had suspended all visitation this year. With your support we

worked to ensure that this holiday season was a bit brighter for those still suffering due

to the criminalization of cannabis, many of whom were unable to see their loved ones

this year.

Along with protecting our incarcerated constituents, LPP is working around the clock to

get our cannabis POWs home in 2021. We had some big wins in 2020 including the

release of the longest serving cannabis prisoner, Richard DeLisi, and the longest serving

nonviolent offender in Michigan, Michael Thompson. We also saw monumental progress

for cannabis legalization and restorative justice on the state and federal level, with every

single state ballot initiative for legalization passing and the historic passage of the MORE

Act in the US House of Representatives. But there is so much more work to be done. We

are going to seize on this momentum in 2021, and with your support we are getting

closer and closer to the day that every last cannabis prisoner is truly free.

Without your support this work would not be possible. On behalf of myself, the entire LPP

team, and those still serving unjust sentences for cannabis, I extend my deepest


Towards Freedom,

Evelyn LaChapelle

Reentry Coordinator

Last Prisoner Project

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