Maintenance and cleaning: Eyce-Silicone Cleaner and Raw- Pipe Cleaners

Maintenance and cleaning: Eyce-Silicone Cleaner and Raw- Pipe Cleaners

Eyce-Silicone Cleaner and Raw- Pipe Cleaners

When was the last time you REALLY cleaned out your bowl? Not just scraping off resin, but actually gave it a proper deep cleaning? Treat yourself, your glass, and your lungs to spring with these easy to use bowl cleaners. Enjoy it for glass and silicone pieces!

How do our loyalty points work?

Earn points on every purchase ($5 spent = 1 point).

Points never expire.

Total accumulated points are at the bottom of receipt.

Find it here:

Eyce Silicone Cleaner- $9.99 or 50 Loyalty Points

Raw- Pipe Cleaners- $1.50 or 8 Loyalty Points

So, what are you waiting for? If you made a purchase then you have points. Come redeem yours and try something new today!

-See you at the store.

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